20 March 2013

S.I.P.U.T. 09/11

Teringat kisah dulu-dulu... rindu...
   Kamilah batch ke-2 PMR 2011 MRSM Kuala Berang. Siput bukan sebarang siput tetapi Disebalik perkataan S.I.P.U.T. ada makna yang tersendiri....
...[ Strive.In.Pmr and.United.Together]...

Rainbows of story that we had built together along the road to the success in the tears and the smile.
Friends,Teachers, were our family  and the strength for us as our parents and real families were far far away from us. we support and care each other. 
And the most important is to keep asking for bless from Allh :)

Members of Geng S.I.P.U.T

Don't cry because it's over but smile because it's happened